宗教学系李曦研究员在宗教学研究国际顶级刊物连续发表4篇英文论文。其中包括在期刊Journal for the Study of the Old Testament上发表“Does the Hebrew Bible Construct a Social Trauma? Three Case Studies”;在期刊HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies发表“Deuteronomistic Theology in Psalms 44, 74, 80, and 89: Examined from the Lens of Trauma”,在期刊Journal of Religion and Health上发表“Applicability of the Hebrew Bible to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-traumatic Growth”。此外同一系列的文章还包括发表在A&HCI期刊Acta Theologica上发表“Jer 29:5–7 Reread Through the Lens of Posttraumatic Growth”。
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament和HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies都是A&HCI收录期刊,并同属SJR宗教学一区;Journal of Religion and Health是A&HCI收录期刊,并在宗教类期刊影响因子2023年排名2/151。
1.Does the Hebrew Bible Construct a Social Trauma? Three Case Studies,”Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
2.Deuteronomistic Theology in Psalms 44, 74, 80, and 89: Examined from the Lens of Trauma
3.Applicability of the Hebrew Bible to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-traumatic Growth
4.Jer 29:5–7 Reread Through the Lens of Posttraumatic Growth