

亓彩云,山东济南人。吉林大学管理学博士,2022年7月入职小艾电竞-电竞游戏排行 社会工作系,副研究员,硕士生导师。


Qi, C., Wang, Y., Lai, J., & Jiao, Y. (2023). Hidden hurt: A qualitative study of the microaggressions experienced by disabled children in education in China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 141, 106200-106200.
Qi, C., Wang, Y., Qi, X., Jiao, Y., Que, C., & Chen, Y (2023). Barriers to providing internet-based home care services for urban older adults in China: a qualitative study of the service providers. BMC Geriatrics, 23.
Qi, C., Xu, X., Zhao, F., & Wang, Y. (2023). Just a show: The home-delivery education policy for children with disabilities in China. Disability & Society, 1-6.
Qi, C. Y., & Wang, Y. (2021). Why is rehabilitation assistance policy for children with disabilities deviated in supply-demand? A case study in mainland China. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 666333.
Wang, Y., Qi, C. Y.*, & Zhu, Y. (2022). Poverty alleviation for people with disabilities in China: Policy, practice, exclusionary effects, and ways forward. Disability & Society, 37(6), 1060-1065.
Wang, Y., Zhu, Y., Qi, C. Y. * & Zhang, Q. (2022). An exploration of voluntarily abandoned free health services among children with disabilities in China: An ideological conflict perspective. Children and Youth Services Review, 106442.
Wang, Y., Zhu, Y., Qi, C. Y. * & Li, L. (2022). Potential barriers in implementing the rural toilet retrofitting project: A qualitative study in Jiaozuo, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
Yu, M., Qi, C. Y.*, & To, S. (2020). The evolution and involution of service provision: Interactional understanding of the welfare of urban youth with disabilities in China. Children and Youth Services Review, 109, 104707.
葛忠明,亓彩云.福利体制比较视域下的残疾人家庭社会支持机制研究[J].黑龙江社会科学, 2020(06): 63-73.(人大复印资料《社会保障制度》2021年第4期全文转载)

“新时代残疾人联合会党建与业务 深度融合发展的路径研究”,山东省残疾人联合会,在研,2023.05-2023.10.
“残障儿童社会服务政策的系统性排斥与政策改进研究”, 山东大学基本科研业务费(人才引进与培养类专项),在研,2022-2024.

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